
On this page:


A detailed description of the JSON object


Get a countries list


Get country details


Add a new country


Update a country


Delete a country

The Country object

This object provides the following data about a country:

countryId string

The identifier of a country.

countryName string

The name of a country, as per ISO 3166.

alpha2Code string

Two-letter code of a country, as per ISO 3166.

alpha3Code string

Three-letter code of a country, as per ISO 3166.

numericCode string

The numeric code of a country, as per ISO 3166.

geographicRegionNumericCode string

The numeric code of a country’s geographic region, as per ISO 3166.

geographicRegionName string

The name of a country’s geographic region, as per ISO 3166.

createTime string

The date and time when the object has been created.

updateTime string

The date and time when the object has been last updated.

  "countryId": "6006dda272f002519c3eb505",
  "countryName": "United States",
  "alpha2Code": "US",
  "alpha3Code": "USA",
  "numericCode": "840",
  "geographicRegionNumericCode": "021",
  "geographicRegionName": "Northern America",
  "createTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "updateTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

Get a countries list

Use this method to obtain a list of countries.

To obtain detailed information about a specified country, use a separate method to get country details.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Query parameters:

This method supports pagination, sorting, and filtering. For details on applying the parameters, refer to the Query parameters section. Possible parameters for filtering and sorting are listed below. For values description, refer to The Country object.

Possible values for the filter parameter:

  • countryName

Possible values for the sort_by parameter:

  • countryID

  • countryName

  • alpha2Code

  • alpha3Code

  • numericCode

  • createTime default

  • updateTime


curl --location -g --request GET '[countryName]=United States&filter[alpha2Code]=US&filter[alpha3Code]=USA&filter[numericCode]=840&filter[regionNumericCode]=021' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains an array of Country objects providing information about all countries that correspond to the query parameters specified in the request.

Get country details

Use this method to obtain detailed information about a specified country.

To obtain a list of countries, use a separate method to get a list of countries.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

countryId required

The country identifier.


curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'


In case of success, the response body contains a Country objects providing information about the specified country.

Add a new country

Use this method to add a new country.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json


name string required

The name of the country.

The string value length can’t exceed 1024 characters.

alpha2Code string required

Two-letter code for the country, as per ISO 3166.

alpha3Code string required

Three-letter code for the country, as per ISO 3166.

numericCode string required

The numeric code of the country, as per ISO 3166.

regionNumericCode string

The numeric code of the country region, as per ISO 3166.


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "United States",
  "alpha2Code": "US",
  "alpha3Code": "USA",
  "numericCode": "840",
  "regionNumericCode": "021"


In case of success, the response body contains a Country objects providing information about the newly created country.

Update a country

Use this method to update the information about a specified country.


Instead of the method described below, you can use a similar method that uses the HTTP verb PATCH.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters:

countryId required

The country identifier.


Values of the following fields can be updated:

name string required

The name of the country.

The string value length can’t exceed 1024 characters.

alpha2Code string required

Two-letter code for the country, as per ISO 3166.

alpha3Code string required

Three-letter code for the country, as per ISO 3166.

numericCode string required

The numeric code of the country, as per ISO 3166.

regionNumericCode string

The numeric code of the country region, as per ISO 3166.


curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "United States",
  "alpha2Code": "US",
  "alpha3Code": "USA",
  "numericCode": "840",
  "regionNumericCode": "021"


In case of success, the response body contains a Country objects providing information about the updated country.

Delete a country

Use this method to delete a specified country.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

countryId required

The country identifier.


curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, no response body is returned.