
View detailed data on clicks made to referral links and promo materials.

Click list

View the following information for each click:


The date and time when a click was made.

This is a link to click details.

IP address

The IP address from which registration was completed.

Latitude, Longitude

The geographical coordinates of a newly registered client.


The country of a newly registered client, according to the IP address.

Landing page

The landing page to which a referral link is pointing.


The resource identifier.

UTM Campaign

The URI parameter that specifies an individual campaign name.

UTM Content

The URI parameter that’s used to differentiate similar content or links within the same ad. For example, if you have two call-to-action links within the same email message, you can use UTM Content and set different values for each so you can tell which version is more effective.

UTM Medium

The URI parameter that specifies advertising or marketing media, for example: cpc, banner, email.

UTM Source

The URI parameter that identifies an advertiser, site, publication, that’s sending traffic to your property, for example: google, youtube.

UTM Term

The URI parameter that identifies paid search keywords.


An HTTP header identifying the address of a web page from which a resource was requested.


The User-Agent data, which may include optional comments.

Client ID

The link to a client's profile in the B2CORE UI.

Client name

The name of a newly registered client.

Contact email

The email of a newly registered client.

Country of residence

The country specified by a client during registration.


The status of a client registration request.

Click details

Last updated

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