IB types

On this page:


A detailed description of the JSON object


A detailed description of the JSON object


A detailed description of the JSON object


A detailed description of the JSON object


Get a list of IB types


Get IB type details


Add a new IB type


Update an IB type


Delete an IB type


Get IB type metrics


Get a list of levels


Get level details


Add a new level


Update a level


Delete a level


Get a list of tiers


Get tier details


Add a new tier


Update a tier


Delete a tier


Get a list of resources


Get resource details


Add a new resource


Update a resource


Delete a resource

The IB type object

This object provides the following data about a partnership program:

groupId string

The partnership program identifier.

name string

The partnership program name.

description string

The partnership program description.

paymentCurrencyCode string

The alphabetic code of a reward payment currency (such as BTC) defined for the partnership program.

paymentInterval string

The time interval at which rewards are paid out. Possible values:

  • PT1H — once an hour

  • P1D — once a day

  • P1W — once a week

  • P1M — once a month

registration string

The approach to joining a partnership program. Possible values:

  • private — new partners can be added to a partnership program only using the Back Office, and not using the B2Core UI.

  • auto — an IB account is automatically created for each client signing up to the B2Core UI. If multiple partnership programs are available, IB accounts of all these types are created for the client.

  • public — the clients can view the available partnership programs in the B2Core UI and apply for them by themselves.

  • restricted — the clients can join a partnership program only using a link sent by another partner participating in a different partnership program. See the restrictionId below.

restrictionId string

The identifier of a partnership program of a partner for the restricted registration type.

protection boolean

If true, emails and names of clients aren’t displayed to the partner.

verification boolean

If true, users can join a partnership program only after the request approval by a B2Core administrator. This option is available only for public registration.

tierPeriod integer

The number of days during which the clients must meet the objectives defined for a corresponding tier (such as the number of active traders, or the traded volume, or both).

paymentLevelsCount integer

The total number of configured levels.

paymentTiersCount integer

The total number of configured tiers.

showAllLevels boolean

If true, all the configured levels are displayed; default value is false.

createTime string

The date and time when the object has been created.

updateTime string

The date and time when the object has been last updated.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object (if provided). Refer to Integrations for more information.

  "groupId": "6006dda272f002519c3eb505",
  "name": "Standard",
  "description": "A custom group",
  "paymentCurrencyCode": "BTC",
  "paymentInterval": "PT1H",
  "registration": "auto",
  "restrictionId": "6006dda272f002519c3eb505",
  "protection": false,
  "verification": true,
  "tierPeriod": 2,
  "paymentLevelsCount": 2,
  "paymentTiersCount": 2,
  "showAllLevels": true,
  "createTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "updateTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "uuid": null

The Level object

This object provides the following data about a configured level:

levelId string

The level identifier.

ratio string

The reward multiplier defined for a level.

createTime string

The date and time when the object has been created.

updateTime string

The date and time when the object has been last updated.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object (if provided). Refer to Integrations for more information.

  "levelId": "6006dda272f002519c3eb505",
  "ratio": "0.100000000000000000",
  "createTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "updateTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "uuid": null

The Tier object

This object provides the following data about a configured tier:

tierId string

The tier identifier.

name string

The tier name.

ratio string

The reward multiplier defined for a tier.

users integer

The number of new active traders that a partner must attract during the tierPeriod (refer to the IB type object) to meet the objectives defined for a tier.

volume string

The volume that clients attracted by a partner must trade during the tierPeriod (refer to the IB type object) to meet the objectives defined for a tier.

createTime string

The date and time when the object has been created.

updateTime string

The date and time when the object has been last updated.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object (if provided). Refer to Integrations for more information.

  "tierId": "6006dda272f002519c3eb505",
  "name": "Playmaker",
  "ratio": "2.000000000000000000",
  "users": 1000,
  "volume": "1000.000000000000000000",
  "createTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "updateTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "uuid": null

The Resource object

This object provides the following data about an IB type localization:

resourceId string

The localization resource identifier.

locale string

The locale of a user interface.

key string

The field name to be localized.

value string

The localized value.

createTime string

The date and time when the object has been created.

updateTime string

The date and time when the object has been last updated.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object (if provided). Refer to Integrations for more information.

  "resourceId": "6006dda272f002519c3eb505",
  "locale": "ja_JP",
  "key": "name",
  "value": "標準",
  "createTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "updateTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "uuid": null

Get a list of IB types

Use this method to obtain a list of partnership programs.

To obtain detailed information about a specified IB type, use a separate method to get IB type details.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Query parameters:

This method supports pagination, sorting, filtering, and query. For details on applying the parameters, refer to the Query parameters section. Possible parameters for filtering, sorting, and query are listed below. For values description, refer to the IB type object.

Possible values for the filter parameter:

  • name

  • paymentInterval

  • registration

  • restrictionId

  • uuid

Possible values for the sort_by parameter:

  • createTime (default)

  • groupId

  • name

  • registration

  • updateTime

Possible values for the query parameter:

  • levels — information about configured levels

  • metrics — information about the number of clients, partners and paid rewards amount (see also: Get IB type metrics)

  • tiers — information about configured tiers

  • resources — information about localization resources


curl --location -g --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups?limit=10&offset=0&sort_by=createTime&sort_order=desc&filter[name]=Standart&filter[paymentInterval]=PT1H&filter[registration]=auto&filter[restrictionId]=6006dda272f002519c3eb505&filter[uuid]=9&query[levels]=1&query[metrics]=1&query[tiers]=1&query[resources]=1' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains an array of IB type objects providing information about all partnership programs that correspond to the query parameters specified in the request.

Additionally, the response body may contain the following information, if any of these were specified in the query parameters of the request:

Get IB type details

Use this method to obtain information about a specified IB type.

To obtain a list of partnership programs, use a separate method to get a list of IB types.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The identifier of a partnership program.

Query parameters:

This method supports query. For details on applying the parameters, refer to the Query parameters section.

Possible values for the query parameter:

  • levels — information about configured levels

  • metrics — information about the number of clients, partners and paid rewards amount (see also: Get IB type metrics)

  • tiers — information about configured tiers

  • resources — information about localization resources


curl --location -g --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8?query[levels]=1&query[metrics]=1&query[tiers]=1&query[resources]=1' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains an IB type objects providing information about the specified IB type.

Additionally, the response body may contain the following information, if any of these were specified in the query parameters of the request:

Add a new IB type

Use this method to add a new partnership program.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json


name string

The partnership program name.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.

description string

The partnership program description.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.

registration string required

The approach to joining a partnership program. Possible values:

  • private — new partners can be added to a partnership program only using the Back Office, and not using the B2Core UI.

  • auto — an IB account is automatically created for each client signing up to the B2Core UI. If multiple partnership programs are available, IB accounts of all these types are created for the client.

  • public — the clients can view the available partnership programs in the B2Core UI and apply for them by themselves.

  • restricted — the clients can join a partnership program only using a link sent by another partner participating in a different partnership program.

restrictionId string

The identifier of a partnership program of a partner for the restricted registration type.

paymentCurrencyCode string

The alphabetic code of a currency in which rewards are paid out.

paymentInterval string required

The time interval at which rewards are paid out. Possible values:

  • PT1H — once an hour

  • P1D — once a day

  • P1W — once a week

  • P1M — once a month

resources array

An array of Resource objects.

Expand fields
key string

The field name to be localized.

value string

The localized value.

locale string

The locale of a user interface.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.

protection boolean

If true, emails and names of clients aren’t displayed to the partner.

verification boolean

If true, users can join a partnership program only after the request approval by a B2Core administrator. This option is available only for public registration.

showAllLevels boolean

If true, all the configured levels are displayed; default value is false.

tierPeriod integer

The number of days during which the clients must meet the objectives defined for a corresponding tier (such as the number of active traders, or the traded volume, or both).

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.


curl --location -g --request POST 'https://your.base-url.here/groups' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "Standard",
  "description": "Group description",
  "registration": "auto",
  "restrictionId": "6006dda272f002519c3eb505",
  "paymentCurrencyCode": "BTC",
  "paymentInterval": "PT1H",
  "resources": [
      "key": "name",
      "value": null,
      "locale": null,
      "uuid": null
      "key": "description",
      "value": null,
      "locale": null,
      "uuid": null
  "protection": true,
  "verification": false,
  "showAllLevels": true,
  "uuid": null,
  "tierPeriod": 2



In case of success, the response body contains information about a newly created IB type object.

Update an IB type

Use this method to update a specified trading account.


Instead of the method described below, you can use a similar method that uses the HTTP verb PATCH.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.


The following field values can be updated for a specified group:

name string

The partnership program name.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.

description string

The partnership program description.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.

registration string required

The approach to joining a partnership program. Possible values:

  • private — new partners can be added to a partnership program only using the Back Office, and not using the B2Core UI.

  • auto — an IB account is automatically created for each client signing up to the B2Core UI. If multiple partnership programs are available, IB accounts of all these types are created for the client.

  • public — the clients can view the available partnership programs in the B2Core UI and apply for them by themselves.

  • restricted — the clients can join a partnership program only using a link sent by another partner participating in a different partnership program.

restrictionId string

The identifier of a partnership program of a partner for the restricted registration type.

paymentCurrencyCode string

The alphabetic code of a currency in which rewards are paid out.

paymentInterval string required

The time interval at which rewards are paid out. Possible values:

  • PT1H — once an hour

  • P1D — once a day

  • P1W — once a week

  • P1M — once a month

resources array

An array of Resource objects.

Expand fields
key string

The field name to be localized.

value string

The localized value.

locale string

The locale of a user interface.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.

protection boolean

If true, emails and names of clients aren’t displayed to the partner.

verification boolean

If true, users can join a partnership program only after the request approval by a B2Core administrator. This option is available only for public registration.

showAllLevels boolean

If true, all the configured levels are displayed; default value is false.

tierPeriod integer

The number of days during which the clients must meet the objectives defined for a corresponding tier (such as the number of active traders, or the traded volume, or both).

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.


curl --location -g --request PUT 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "Standard",
  "description": "A custom group",
  "registration": "auto",
  "restrictionId": "6006dda272f002519c3eb505",
  "paymentCurrencyCode": "BTC",
  "paymentInterval": "PT1H",
  "resources": [
      "key": "name",
      "value": null,
      "locale": null,
      "uuid": null
      "key": "description",
      "value": null,
      "locale": null,
      "uuid": null
  "protection": true,
  "verification": false",
  "showAllLevels": false,
  "uuid": null,
  "tierPeriod": 2



In case of success, the response body contains information about the IB type object that has been updated.

Delete an IB type

Use this method to delete a specified partnership program.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.


curl --location --request DELETE 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'


In case of success, no response body is returned.

Get IB type metrics

Use this method to obtain metrics for a specified partnership program.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.


curl --location --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/metrics' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains a key-value pairs providing the number of clients and partners as well as amount of paid rewards.

  "total": 3,
  "metrics": [
      "key": "clients",
      "value": 5
      "key": "partners",
      "value": 2
      "key": "paymentAmount",
      "value": {
        "amount": "2.142831470000000000",
        "currency": "BTC"

Get a list of levels

Use this method to obtain a list of levels configured for a specified partnership program.

To obtain detailed information about a specified level, use a separate method to get level details.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.


curl --location --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/levels' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains an array of Level objects providing information about each level defined for a group.

Get level details

Use this method to obtain information about a specified level configured for a partnership program.

To obtain a list of levels, use a separate method to get a list of levels.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

levelId required

The level identifier.


curl --location --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/levels/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains information about a specified Level object.

Add a new level

Use this method to configure a new level for a specified partnership programs.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters:

groupId required

The IB type identifier.


ratio string required

The reward multiplier.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.


curl --location --request POST 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/levels' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "ratio": "1.000000000000000000",
  "uuid": null



In case of success, the response body contains information about a newly created Level object.

Update a level

Use this method to update a level configured for a specified partnership program.


Instead of the method described below, you can use a similar method that uses the HTTP verb PATCH.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

levelId required

The level identifier.


The following field values can be updated for a specified level:

ratio string

The reward multiplier.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.


curl --location --request PUT 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/levels/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "ratio": "1.000000000000000000",
  "uuid": null



In case of success, the response body contains information about a Level object that has been updated.

Delete a level

Use this method to remove a level configured for a specified partnership program.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

levelId required

The level identifier.


curl --location --request DELETE 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/levels/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'


Get a list of tiers

Use this method to obtain a list of tiers defined for a specified partnership program.

To obtain detailed information about a specified tier, use a separate method to get tier details.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.


curl --location --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/tiers' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains an array of Tier objects providing information about all tiers defined for a specified group of symbols.

Get tier details

Use this method to obtain detailed information about a specified tier.

To obtain a list of tiers, use a separate method to get a list of tiers.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

tierId required

The tier identifier.


curl --location --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/tiers/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains information about a specified Tier object.

Add a new tier

Use this method to define a new tier for a specified partnership program.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.


name string required

The tier name.

ratio string required

The reward multiplier.

users integer

The number of new active traders that a partner must attract during the tierPeriod (refer to the IB type object) to meet the objectives defined for a tier.

volume string

The volume that clients attracted by a partner must trade during the tierPeriod (refer to the IB type object) to meet the objectives defined for a tier.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.


curl --location --request POST 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/tiers' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "Playmaker",
  "ratio": "1.000000000000000000",
  "users": 1000,
  "volume": "1000.000000000000000000",
  "uuid": null



In case of success, the response body contains information about a newly created Tier object.

Update a tier

Use this method to update a tier defined for a specified partnership program.


Instead of the method described below, you can use a similar method that uses the HTTP verb PATCH.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

tierId required

The tier identifier.


The following field values can be updated for a specified tier:

name string

The tier name.

ratio string

The reward multiplier.

users integer

The number of new active traders that a partner must attract during the tierPeriod (refer to the IB type object) to meet the objectives defined for a tier.

volume string

The volume that clients attracted by a partner must trade during the tierPeriod (refer to the IB type object) to meet the objectives defined for a tier.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.


curl --location --request PUT 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/tiers/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "Playmaker",
  "ratio": "1.000000000000000000",
  "users": 1000,
  "volume": "1000.000000000000000000",
  "uuid": null



In case of success, the response body contains information about a Tier object that has been updated.

Delete a tier

Use this method to remove a tier defined for a specified partnership program.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

tierId required

The tier identifier.


curl --location --request DELETE 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/tiers/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, no response body is returned.

Get a list of resources

Use this method to obtain localization resources provided for a specified partnership program.

To obtain detailed information about a specified localization resource, use a separate method to get resource details.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The group identifier.


curl --location --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/resources' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'


In case of success, the response body contains an array of Resource objects provided for a specified partnership program.

Get resource details

Use this method to obtain detailed information about a localization resource provided for a specified partnership program.

To obtain a list of localization resources, use a separate method to get a list of resources.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

resourceId required

The resource identifier.


curl --location --request GET 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/resources/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, the response body contains a Resource object providing information about the specified localization resource.

Add a new resource

Use this method to provide a new localization resource for a specified partnership program.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.


key string

The field name to be localized.

value string

The localized value.

locale string

The locale of a user interface.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.


curl --location --request POST 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/resources' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "key": "name",
  "value": "標準",
  "locale": "ja_JP",
  "uuid": null



In case of success, the response body contains information about a newly created Resource object.

Update a resource

Use this method to update a localization resource provided for a specified partnership program.


Instead of the method described below, you can use a similar method that uses the HTTP verb PATCH.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

resourceId required

The resource identifier.


The following field values can be updated for a specified resource:

key string

The field name to be localized.

value string

The localized value.

locale string

The locale of a user interface.

uuid string

The universally unique identifier of the object. Refer to Integrations for more information.

The string value length can’t exceed 255 characters.


curl --location --request PUT 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/resources/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "key": "name",
  "value": "標準",
  "locale": "ja_JP",
  "uuid": null



In case of success, the response body contains information about a Resource object that has been updated.

Delete a resource

Use this method to delete a localization resource provided for a specified partnership program.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <token>

Path parameters:

groupId required

The partnership program identifier.

resourceId required

The resource identifier.


curl --location --request DELETE 'https://your.base-url.here/groups/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8/resources/60ba407d15951453e60e49f8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'



In case of success, no response body is returned.