
On this page, you can find a list of all connected exchange rate providers. At least one provider is already configured by default. You can add a new provider by clicking the Create button.

When offering a custom crypto asset, you can manually specify a static exchange rate for it.

List of rate providers

View the following information for each rate provider:


If you have configured more than one provider, the data from them is requested in the order corresponding to their priority. It means that if a requested exchange rate isn’t received from a provider with the highest priority, this rate is then requested from a provider with the second highest priority, and so on.


The provider name.


The date and time when an exchange rate provider was added.

Rate provider details

To view details, click the provider name or pencil icon.

The page is divided into the following tabs:

Preferences tab

On this tab, you can learn about the rate provider, priority, name, base currency, quote currency, exchange rate and date and time when a rate provider was added. All the fields can be edited, except for the Provider and Created fields.